Acceptance, coping and wellbeing with neurocognitive impairment

Who it’s for: Survivors of stroke, family members or carers
What it involves: Interview, survey
Where: Online (Australia)


Researchers from Cairnmillar Institute are studying how people with neurocognitive impairment (NCI) cope with their challenges. They are particularly interested in the role of acceptance and styles of coping.

Acceptance means being aware of an experience or feeling instead of ignoring or avoiding it. They want to understand if acceptance of the situation helps improve quality of life and wellbeing.

The research team are also looking at how people with NCI handle stress and changes. Their goal is to understand how acceptance and coping styles affect the wellbeing of people with NCI.


  • Adult aged 18 years or older
  • Living with the effects of stroke or dementia, including Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.


  • The survivor of stroke will be interviewed by a research team member that may take up to 1 hour. The interviews can be either in-person at the Cairnmillar Institute in Hawthorn East, Victoria, or via video call.
  • Family members or carers will be asked to complete a short online survey that may take 5 to 10 minutes.


Participant information sheet (DOCX 76 KB)
Carer information sheet (DOCX 75 KB)


For more information, please email Emmaline Coote at