Improving sleep health
Who it’s for: Survivors of stroke, health professionals
What it involves: Surveys, test a method
Where: Online (WA)
Researchers at Edith Cowan University are studying comprehensive sleep health characterisation in people living with a neurological condition, or people working with people living with a neurological condition.
This research has not been undertaken in Australia and this study is the first step towards developing new and individualised sleep interventions for people with neurological conditions.
This project is run within the SPIN (Systematic Profiling in Neurological Conditions) Research Program.
- Aged between 18 and 85 years of age; and
- Able to follow verbal or written instructions; and
- Formally diagnosed with a neurological condition; or
- Working with people living with a neurological condition.
Participation involves:
- Completing a demographics questionnaire and 4 questionnaires about aspects of your sleep and sleep environment. In total, these 5 questionnaires may take approximately 30–35 minutes to complete.
- You will receive a sleep report based on your questionnaire responses.
- You may decide to undertake an objective Sleep and Circadian assessment (described below, which will involve wearing a device that measures your sleep).
What is a Sleep and Circadian Assessment?
You will be asked to wear a sleep monitor on your forehead for seven consecutive nights. The monitor is attached to an electrode, which will adhere to your forehead for the duration of your sleep. The sleep monitor measures your brain activity while you are asleep, allowing for the measurement of sleep stages, quality and restlessness. You will also be asked to place a temperature sensor on your bedside table for 7 days/nights to record the light and temperature conditions in your usual sleep environment.
All materials will be delivered to you and collected via paid delivery service at no cost to you.
Participant information sheet [PDF 214 KB]
For more information, please contact:
Dr Mitchell Turner (Edith Cowan University)
Phone: 08 6304 2210