Improving wellbeing after acquired brain injury with a group program to enhance participation in valued activities

Have you had a stroke or acquired brain injury (ABI) that has affected how you think and feel? Are you interested in learning ways to deal with these changes so you can do more of the things you value in life?

Difficulties with memory and other thinking skills are common after ABI, and often go along with changes in mood. These changes can affect the capacity to do things that are meaningful and valued, such as work, leisure and social activities.

VaLiANT is an 8-week group program located at La Trobe University in Bundoora (VIC), or run via telehealth (Zoom videoconferencing) during periods of Covid-related restrictions. Adults (aged 18 years or over) who have had a stroke at least 3 months ago can participate. The program is designed to increase your participation in activities that you value while helping you learn strategies for dealing with changes in thinking and mood. You are invited to participate in our research investigating the impact of participating in the group on the lives of people with ABI.

Participation involves attending the VaLiANT group program for free, either immediately or after a waiting period; and participating in three 2-hour assessments over a period of 16 weeks.

For more information or to sign up, contact the VaLiANT research team via email ( or phone (03 9479 1679).

Participant Information Statement (DOCX 98 KB)