Lived Experience Ambassador: treatment of ischaemic stroke by regulating the brain-draining lymphatics

Who it’s for: Survivors of stroke
What it involves: Join a research team
Where: In-person (VIC) or online (Australia)


Medical researchers at Monash University are working with Yale University to create a medical device that enhances the natural process of lymphatic drainage from the brain. Lymphatic drainage is the body's natural way of helping to clean the brain of substances that are produced by damage and diseases of the brain.

The research team will develop a prototype of a very small pump called a ‘Nano-3D device’ to help the lymphatics move excess fluid and waste products out of the brain, to help the brain heal and recover from ischaemic stroke.

The researchers are seeking 2–3 lived experience ambassadors to share their story and thoughts on how the team can develop the nanopump so it is easy to use.


  • A person with lived experience of ischaemic stroke who is willing to share their experience and feedback on the project.


The research team will provide a welcoming and accessible environment for you (and your family member or carer) to share your experiences and meet with the team members, either in-person or via Zoom.

Lived experience ambassadors will be asked to:

  • Share their stroke story and suggestions with the team’s friendly medical researchers to help them build a medical device that is relevant to patients and easy to use.
  • Provide advice in regular informal meetings/catch ups, for 30–60 minutes, 2–3 times per year, over 2 years.
  • Meetings can be held in-person in a quiet and accessible location (such as a café, or at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (381 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052) or online via Zoom.
  • Join the team at events to share their stroke story (optional).


Talking about your experience of stroke can bring up challenging emotions. There is support available.

  • Talk to someone you trust – perhaps a family member, friend or your doctor
  • Contact the research team – we are here to help
  • StrokeLine is available 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday AEDT. Phone 1800 787 653 or email
  • Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for crisis support. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14


Position description [PDF 119 KB]


To find out more or express your interest, please contact:

Natalie Trevaskis
Associate Professor at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Phone: (03) 9903 9708