The Allen Study: exploring stroke survivors' lived experiences

Who it’s for: Survivors of stroke
What it involves: Survey
Where: Online (NSW)


The Allen Study from the University of Technology Sydney aims to explore the health, health care use and health behaviours of adults living post-stroke over a long period of time. The study will provide an opportunity (in partnership with those with lived experience) to help inform effective support and care and ensure the health and well-being of those living following a stroke.

Find out more at the Allen Study website.


  • Diagnosed as having had a stroke in the past;
  • aged 18 years or over;
  • living in NSW; and
  • able to read and understand English.


Participation involves completing an online baseline survey annually from 2024 until 2031 (or for the duration of the participant's involvement in the study).

The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Access the survey online


Participant information sheet (PDF 158 KB)


Jon Adams
Distinguished Professor of Public Health, School of Public Health, University of Technology Sydney
0404 933 790