UPLIFT trial: Integrated UPper limb and Language Impairment and Functional Training after stroke
Do you have difficulty using your arm and communicating after your stroke? You’re not alone. 1 in 6 people living with stroke have difficulty with both arm and communication functions.
The purpose of the UPLIFT trial is to test a new intensive rehabilitation program that trains arm movement and communication together. Depending on the amount of function you have, the program will be provided at home via telerehabilitation, or in person at a health clinic.
The research team are recruiting people who are 3 to 24 months post-stroke and living in the community to participate in the UPLIFT trial at one of their therapy hubs:
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Townsville
- Perth
- Adelaide
To find out more, please watch the brief video below:
If you are interested in the UPLIFT trial, please complete this brief survey form. This form will require you to provide some details about yourself and your stroke to help the research team respond to your expression of interest.
You can also contact the research team directly at uplift-trial@unimelb.edu.au