Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Stroke Recovery Club

Pennant Hills Com. Health Centre 5 Fisher Avenue, PENNANT HILLS, NSW


Fridays (except 6 week school holiday break)
10.00am - 12.00pm


Pennant Hills Com. Health Centre
5 Fisher Avenue, PENNANT HILLS

About this group: 

The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Stroke Recovery Club commenced in 1988 with 6 rehabilitation patients from Hornsby Hospital.

We regularly have a membership of about 30 and average around 20 at our meetings.

We meet weekly on Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm (except for a 6 weeks break over Christmas & New Year).

We are a social group which participates in a variety of activities including motor skills, gentle exercise, board games, table top games, puzzles, cognitive challenges, friendly team competitions and quizzes, plus more.

We also have in-house guests and speakers of interest and go out for excursions as well as participate in functions with other clubs.

Our members see their club as being;

  • A multicultural group of many backgrounds who share and mix freely with each other.
  • A mixed group of singles and couples of varied ability who are friendly and supportive of each other and their individual needs
  • Members who are cared for and treated equally with time shared with each and every one of them.
  • A place where members are encouraged to take part in whatever activities are offered to the best of their ability, which brings smiles to many faces.
  • We have ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ and welcome newcomers with whom we can share mutual experiences. 


Stroke Recovery Association NSW
1300 650 594