Aboriginal Disability Yarning Group

Champion Centre, 76 Champion Dr, Seville Grove, WA, 6112

Who it's for: 

Mature age Aboriginal people with any disability and a NDIS plan managed plan. Our group also encourages support workers and carers including family members to attend. All people are supported around their disability needs.

Yarning Circles is a support group for Aboriginal people aged over 18 years who have had a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

It is led by senior Noongar woman Kerri Colgate, to support social and emotional wellbeing and give a culturally safe place to share.



Every Wednesday 10am-1pm. 



Champion Centre (76 Champion Drive) in Seville Grove, WA. 


About this group: 

Our Yarning group is a diverse group of people of age, gender and location (off country). People are provided with a range of activities including art, music, crafting, elders' storytelling, therapy on country to name a few. Activities are meaningful, educational but most of all FUN!

See https://www.facebook.com/kmncservices/ .


Free to attend? 

Yes - must have an NDIS plan managed plan. 


How to join: 

Self-refer, through your provider or health professional or you can contact Kerri on 0408 835 028 or email 


Wheelchair accessible?




Kerri Colegate via

Telephone 0408 835 028

Email kmncservices@outlook.com