Aphasia Qld Inc. "Sing to Beat Aphasia" (Logan & Coopers Plains)

Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur St, Logan Central, QLD, 4114

Two views of members of the Aphasia Community Choir

Sing to Beat Aphasia

  • Do you live with aphasia?
  • Did you know that singing can help?

Come and join the Aphasia Community Choir

No singing experience necessary.

We are looking for people who live with aphasia.

We'll enjoy the benefits of singing together, and then have a cuppa and a chat afterwards.


Every Tuesday, 10 am – 12 noon.


Alternates between

  • Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur St, Logan Central
  • St David's Neighbourhood Centre, 68 Orange Grove Rd, Coopers Plains


Britney, choir director/music therapist, 0400 670 770 or britneyevansmackay@hotmail.com