Navigating the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) helps people with a disability who are under the age of 65 get the support they need. NDIS participants get funding for services to help with daily life, be involved in their community and reach their goals.

Navigating the NDIS can be a bit of a challenge. Our video series is designed to make it easier.

The videos feature young stroke survivors, carers, health professionals, advocates and NDIS local area coordinators. They share some of the challenges of adjusting to life after stroke and explain how to navigate the NDIS to get what you need.

Our NDIS video series was kindly supported by a grant from the National Disability Insurance Agency.

Getting access to the NDIS

Find out about how to know if you are eligible and how to apply for access. You’ll need evidence about the impact of stroke and how it affects what you can do in your daily life. This video shows how to take the first steps and who can help.

Once you have watched this video, find out more:

Setting up your NDIS plan

Once you are an NDIS participant, it’s time to work out your goals and prepare for your planning meeting. Find out about setting up your plan and who can help.

Once you have watched this video, find out more:

Managing your NDIS plan

When you have your plan, you can arrange the supports and services you need. Find out about the options for managing your plan and how you can find service providers.

Once you have watched this video, find out more:

Getting help from advocates

You may need an advocate to support you and speak on your behalf. Find out who can be an advocate and how they can help.

Once you have watched this video, find out more:


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